
Hey, I’m Thomas and this is my personal blog where I share stories & ideas from my pen & paper tables. These stories may conflict with the canonical narrative of the original universe or setting. In this case assume the story takes place in an alternative universe or setting. ;)

I play online and offline at the table. For online play I like to use Discord and FoundryVTT.

I’m not affiliated with the companies of the RPG systems I write about or the products I use.


You can reach me by mail: nrdbits (at) gmail (dot) com.

I’m happy to hear from you, if you played a story in your group. Tell me how it went! I also appreciate helpful suggestions like interesting twists, alternative plots or encounters.


The blog is generated via the static site generator tool Hugo from this Github Repository: https://github.com/tdbits/tdbits.github.io. If you want to contribute corrections (e.g. for typos) you may open a merge request.


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You may use my content under the license stated under the respective posting. If you use my content under that license, mention me as author and link back to my original post using the original title.

Please be aware that all trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only.